uSki Method
Video version of the method

The learning technique we propose is inspired by the tests carried out over the past two years, as well as feedback from our customers. It is provided to you for free to make the most of the uSki. All the exercises proposed below have been validated in the field.
Each learning stage includes playful exercises and uses different configurations of the uSki to gradually increase the difficulty as the student moves through the stages.
This approach allows the beginner to have less to think about so that he can focus only on the instructions he must apply during each exercise.
The pace of progress of each student depends on his experience in other sliding sports, his physical and intellectual abilities, and whether he is fearful or reckless.
Progress can be dramatic or relatively slow. The instructor must therefore adapt to the pace of his student.
Practice speed management in a snowplow position
This first step includes three phases with fun exercises and specific instructions.
The goal for the student is to learn to control his speed in snowplow, skiing facing the slope.
Phase 1 :
The student is retained by the instructor who is placed upstream.
Before each start, the beginner must spread his skis in a stable "snowplow" position. While starting to glide, he must bring his skis closer to gain speed. Then he may move from parallel to snowplow position back and forth to manage his speed.
The instructor must bring back the beginner’s skis to the slope line whenever they deviate from it.
Playful exercise : The student must manage his speed without the instructor needing to intervene...
Instructions before departure : “If it goes too fast, do "the pizza". If it doesn't go fast enough, do "the fries"
Instructions during the descent : “You must look far ahead, do not look at your skis!”
Phase 2 :
The student is retained by the instructor who is placed downstream.
When the instructor can ski backwards, he may stand in front of the student by pulling him with the straps to secure him in case he deviates from the trajectory.
Otherwise, the instructor may stand behind the student while keeping the straps loose to let the student manage his speed by himself.
This exercise allows the student to learn to manage his speed without being held back by the straps, while being secured.
Playful exercise: When facing the instructor, the student must manage his speed so that he never touches him.
When the instructor is behind, the student must manage his speed so that the strands never become tense.
Instructions: “If you want it to brake hard, you must spread the skis wider...”
Phase 3 :
The student is not held by the straps; the instructor remains close and guide him!
Once the student can manage his speed as a snowplow, he may practice without being held by the instructor, but only if the conditions are adapted: good visibility, soft snow, easy track!
During this exercise, the instructor must stay close so that he can intervene in case the student picks up too much speed (especially on hard snow ...)
Playful exercise: The student must not overtake the instructor!
Instructions: “Lean a little forward by pulling gently on the handles!”
Practice making turns in a snowplow position
Comprising two phases, this step consists of practicing snowplow turns by gradually increasing the difficulty.
The key to the success of these exercises is to have enough speed so as not to be unbalanced at the end of the turn, but obviously not too much speed.
The instructor must let know the student when the speed is sufficient to trigger a turn, and if he needs to slow down before embarking on a turn.
Phase 1 :
The student is retained by the instructor who is placed upstream.

To trigger a turn, the instructor shifts inside the trajectory and gently pulls on the outside ski. He must ensure the safety of the pair by anticipating possible obstacles.
Playful exercise : The student indicates to the instructor the direction using both handles: "straight!" or "right!" or "left!"
Instructions : “You must turn your shoulders to orient the handles in the desired direction...
Phase 2 :
The student is not retained by the instructor.
Same exercise as the previous one, but without being retained, and applying an additional instruction.
Playful exercise : The student must never exceed the instructor!
Instructions : “To engage in a turn, you must press on the outside ski by pushing with your shin against the front of the shoes!”
Practice making skidded turns with parallel skis
The objective of this last stage is to take a new step by practicing skidded turns with parallel skis.
Phase 1 :
The instructor uses the lanyard to regulate the speed
By keeping the skis parallel apart at hip height, the student must practice the edge grips by tilting his skis slightly.
The instructor gives the start when the speed is sufficient and complements the movement by shifting to the inside of the turn
Playful exercise : He must try to simulate a "belly dance"...
Instructions : “With your ankles, knees and hips bent, you must tilt your pelvis slightly in the desired direction.”
Phase 2 :
The instructor hooks the straps on the skis, with the uSkis unlocked.
Last step before full autonomy, the student must get used to make turns while the uSki is open.
In this configuration, the student will need a few minutes to get used to managing the spacing between his skis, he will tend to cross or spread them too much.
The instructor must regulate the speed and guide the student until he is comfortable with the turns
Playful exercise: The student must try to curve gently through imaginary stakes...
Instructions: “Focus on the spacing of your skis while looking far ahead!”